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<html><head><title> Tanıtım</title></head><body bgcolor=ffff00 background=gri2.jpg text=ffffff link=0000ff hlink=ff0000 vlink=ff00ff topmargin=5 leftmargin=5 marginheight=5 marginwidth=5> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var t=''; t1=''; qul=0; xazi=0; done=1; sackisidone=1; sur=true; ldd=false; var best=0; dav=false; m1=0; m2=0; m3=0; m4=0; xazidoneze=10; var qulebi=0; n1=0; n2=0; n3=0; n4=0; strt=false; gacherdi=false; var i=0; j=0; l=0; shua=540; shuabiji=50; shuavardna=20; var dro, dro2, shemdegi; var qvebi = new Array(); var ferebi = new Array('white','magenta','red','chocolate','blue',' green','gold','coral'); var suruch=ferebi[0]; var tx='Click Start n Use Arrow keys to Play.n Left Arrow - Move left; n Up Arrow - Rotate; n Right Arrow - Move right; n Down Arrow - Drop Down;'; var txabo='Scriptris - Javascript Tetris n Game idea by Alexey Pajitnov. n Script by 2002.'; function bruni() { axali(i1,j1,suruch,0); axali(i2,j2,suruch,0); axali(i3,j3,suruch,0); axali(i4,j4,suruch,0); i1=m1; j1=n1; i2=m2; j2=n2; i3=m3; j3=n3; i4=m4; j4=n4; axali(i1,j1,sur,sh); axali(i2,j2,sur,sh); axali (i3,j3,sur,sh); axali(i4,j4,sur,sh); } function brunva() { if((strt)&&(!gacherdi)) { if (sh == 7) {sh=14;} else if (sh == 14) {sh=21;} else if (sh == 21) {sh=28;} else if (sh == 28) {sh=7;} else if (sh == 6) { m2=i2+1; n2=j2+1; m1=i1; n1=j1; m3=i3-1; n3=j3-1; m4=i4-2; n4=j4-2; if (kiara()) { sh=13; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 13) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i2+1; n2=j2-1; m3=i3-1; n3=j3+1; m4=i4-2; n4=j4+2; if (kiara()){ sh=20; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 20) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i2-1; n2=j2-1; m3=i3+1; n3=j3+1; m4=i4+2; n4=j4+2; if (kiara()) { sh=27; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 27) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i2-1; n2=j2+1; m3=i3+1; n3=j3-1; m4=i4+2; n4=j4-2; if (kiara()) { sh=6; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 5) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i2-1; n2=j2+1; m3=i3; n3=j3+2; m4=i2; n4=j2; if (kiara()) { sh=12; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 12) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i2+1; n2=j2+1; m3=i3+2; n3=j3; m4=i2; n4=j2; if (kiara()) { sh=19; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 19) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i2+1; n2=j2-1; m3=i3; n3=j3-2; m4=i2; n4=j2; if (kiara()) { sh=26; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 26) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i2-1; n2=j2-1; m3=i3-2; n3=j3; m4=i2; n4=j2; if (kiara()) { sh=5; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 4) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i4; n2=j4; m3=i3+2; n3=j3; m4=i4-1; n4=j4-1; if (kiara()) { sh=11; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 11) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i4; n2=j4; m3=i3; n3=j3-2; m4=i4-1; n4=j4+1; if (kiara()) { sh=18; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 18) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i4; n2=j4; m3=i3-2; n3=j3; m4=i4+1; n4=j4+1; if (kiara()) { sh=25; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 25) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i4; n2=j4; m3=i3; n3=j3+2; m4=i4+1; n4=j4-1; if (kiara()) { sh=4; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 3) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i3; n2=j3; m3=i3+1; n3=j3+1; m4=i2; n4=j2; if (kiara()) { sh=10; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 10) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i3; n2=j3; m3=i3+1; n3=j3-1; m4=i2; n4=j2; if (kiara()) { sh=17; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 17) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i3; n2=j3; m3=i3-1; n3=j3-1; m4=i2; n4=j2; if (kiara()) { sh=24; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 24) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i3; n2=j3; m3=i3-1; n3=j3+1; m4=i2; n4=j2; if (kiara()){ sh=3; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 2) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i2-1; n2=j2+1; m3=i2; n3=j2; m4=i4-2; n4=j4-2; if (kiara()) { sh=9; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 9) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i2+1; n2=j2+1; m3=i2; n3=j2; m4=i4-2; n4=j4+2; if (kiara()) { sh=16; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 16) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i2+1; n2=j2-1; m3=i2; n3=j2; m4=i4+2; n4=j4+2; if (kiara()) { sh=23; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 23) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i2-1; n2=j2-1; m3=i2; n3=j2; m4=i4+2; n4=j4-2; if (kiara()){ sh=2; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 1) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i3; n2=j3; m3=i3-1; n3=j3-1; m4=i4-2; n4=j4-2; if (kiara()) { sh=8; bruni(); } } else if (sh ==
{ m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i3; n2=j3; m3=i3-1; n3=j3+1; m4=i4-2; n4=j4+2; if (kiara()) { sh=15; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 15) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i3; n2=j3; m3=i3+1; n3=j3+1; m4=i4+2; n4=j4+2; if (kiara()) { sh=22; bruni(); } } else if (sh == 22) { m1=i1; n1=j1; m2=i3; n2=j3; m3=i3+1; n3=j3-1; m4=i4+2; n4=j4-2; if (kiara()) { sh=1; bruni(); } } } } function marcxniv() { if((strt)&&(!gacherdi)) { if ((j1 > 1)&&(j2 > 1)&&(j3 > 1)&&(j4 > 1)&& (qvebi[(i1-1)*j10+j1-1] != 29)&& (qvebi[(i2-1)*j10+j2-1] != 29)&& (qvebi[(i3-1)*j10+j3-1] != 29)&& (qvebi[(i4-1)*j10+j4-1] != 29)) { axali(i1,j1,suruch,0); axali(i2,j2,suruch,0); axali(i3,j3,suruch,0); axali(i4,j4,suruch,0); j1--; j2--; j3--; j4--; axali(i1,j1,sur,sh); axali(i2,j2,sur,sh); axali(i3,j3,sur,sh); axali(i4,j4,sur,sh); } } } function marjvniv() { if((strt)&&(!gacherdi)) { if ((j1 < j10)&&(j2 < j10)&&(j3 < j10)&&(j4 < j10)&& (qvebi[(i1-1)*j10+j1+1] != 29)&& (qvebi[(i2-1)*j10+j2+1] != 29)&& (qvebi[(i3-1)*j10+j3+1] != 29)&& (qvebi[(i4-1)*j10+j4+1] != 29)) { axali(i1,j1,suruch,0); axali(i2,j2,suruch,0); axali(i3,j3,suruch,0); axali(i4,j4,suruch,0); j1++; j2++; j3++; j4++; axali(i1,j1,sur,sh); axali(i2,j2,sur,sh); axali(i3,j3,sur,sh); axali(i4,j4,sur,sh); } } } function chavardes() { shua=shuavardna; } function extract(val) { if ((endOfCookie=document.cookie.indexOf(';',val))==-1) { endOfCookie=document.cookie.length; } return unescape(document.cookie.substring(val, endOfCookie)); } function read(names) { var number=document.cookie.length; var len=names.length; var u=0; var v; while (u<=number) { v=u+len; if (document.cookie.substring(u, v)==names) return (extract(v)); u=document.cookie.indexOf(' ', u)+1; if (u==0) break; } return (null); } shuadidi=shua; coo=read('robest='); if (coo == null) {i20=22} else {i20=parseInt(coo)}; coo=read('cobest='); if (coo == null) {j10=11} else {j10=parseInt(coo)}; i19=i20-1; j9=j10-1; ij200=i20*j10; for (l=1; l<=ij200; l++) { qvebi[l]=0; } if (dro != null)clearTimeout(dro); if (dro2 != null)clearTimeout(dro2); function daicke() { if((strt == false)&&(ldd)) { sackisidone=1; done=1; for (i=0; i<=9; i++) { if (document.forms[0].elements['doneairchie'].options.selected) { sackisidone=document.forms[0].elements['doneairchie'].options[i].text; done=sackisidone; qulebi=0; for (j=1; j<=done; j++) { qulebi=qulebi+j*j*xazidoneze; } document.forms[0].elements[2].value=' '+done; break; } } var coo; ricxvi(); achveneshemdegi(); for (l=1; l<=ij200; l++) { qvebi[l]=0; l1=l-1; document.all['d'+l1].style.backgroundColor=suruch; } strt=true; gacherdi=false; qul=0; xazi=0; cooknam='best2001'+i20+j10+'='; coo=read(cooknam); if (coo==null) {best=0; nam=sax; st='0'} else { k1=coo.indexOf('['); k3=k1+1; k4=coo.indexOf(']')-k1-1; k6=coo.length; st=coo.substring(k3,k6); st=st.substring(0,k4); best=parseInt(st); nam=coo.substring(0,k1); } shua=shuadidi-shuabiji*done; if (best==0) document.forms[0].elements[0].value='' else document.forms[0].elements[0].value=' Score: 0. '+nam+': '+best; axaliqva(); if (dro != null)clearTimeout(dro); rocadroa(); } } function ricxvi() { a=7*Math.random(); shemdegi=Math.ceil(a); } function bolos() { var cook; var todayDate=new Date(); strt=false; with (document) { if (qul>best) { best=qul; todayDate.setDate(todayDate.getDate()+30); st2=prompt('Congratulations! Enter Your Name:',nam); nam=st2; cooknam='best2001'+i20+j10+'='; cookie=cooknam+nam+'['+best+']'+'; expires='+todayDate.toGMTString()+';'; forms[0].elements[0].value='Congratulations '+nam+'!'; } else { forms[0].elements[0].value='Result: '+qul+'. '+nam+': '+best; } with(document) { val=3*j10-1; for (i=0; i<=val; i++) { all['p'+i].style.backgroundColor=suruch; } } } document.forms[1].elements[0].focus(); } function rowsclick() { for (i=0; i<=3; i++) { if (document.forms[0].elements['rowsairchie'].options[i].selected) { i20=document.forms[0].elements['rowsairchie'].options[i].text; todayDate=new Date(); todayDate.setDate(todayDate.getDate()+30); document.cookie='robest='+i20+'; expires='+todayDate.toGMTString()+';'; break; } } document.location=document.location.href; } function columnsclick() { for (i=0; i<=3; i++) { if (document.forms[0].elements['columnsairchie'].options[i].selected) { j10=document.forms[0].elements['columnsairchie'].options[i].text; todayDate=new Date(); todayDate.setDate(todayDate.getDate()+30); document.cookie='cobest='+j10+'; expires='+todayDate.toGMTString()+';'; break; } } document.location=document.location.href; } function axaliqva() { shua=shuadidi-shuabiji*done; sh=shemdegi; sur=ferebi[sh]; if (sh == 1) {i1=1; j1=5; i2=1; j2=6; i3=2; j3=5; i4=3; j4=5;} else if (sh == 2) {i1=1; j1=5; i2=1; j2=4; i3=2; j3=5; i4=3; j4=5;} else if (sh == 3) {i1=2; j1=6; i2=1; j2=6; i3=2; j3=7; i4=2; j4=5; sh=10;} else if (sh == 4) {i1=2; j1=5; i2=2; j2=6; i3=1; j3=6; i4=3; j4=5;} else if (sh == 5) {i1=2; j1=5; i2=2; j2=4; i3=1; j3=4; i4=3; j4=5;} else if (sh == 6) {i1=1; j1=5; i2=1; j2=4; i3=1; j3=6; i4=1; j4=7; sh=27;} else if (sh == 7) {i1=2; j1=5; i2=2; j2=6; i3=1; j3=6; i4=1; j4=5;}; if ((qvebi[i1,j1] == 29)||(qvebi[i2,j2] == 29)||(qvebi[i3,j3] == 29)||(qvebi[i4,j4] == 29)) { bolos(); } else { axali(i1,j1,sur,sh); axali(i2,j2,sur,sh); axali(i3,j3,sur,sh); axali(i4,j4,sur,sh); } } function axalish(ii,jj,ff) { l=(ii-1)*j10+jj; l1=l-1; document.all['p'+l1].style.backgroundColor=ferebi[ff]; } function axali(ii,jj,fil,ss) { l=(ii-1)*j10+jj; if(qvebi[l] != ss) { qvebi[l]=ss; l1=l-1; document.all['d'+l1].style.backgroundColor=fil; } } function davardna() { dav=false; for (k=1; k <=4; k++) { for (i=i20; i >= 1; i--) { n1=0; for (j=1; j <= j10; j++) { l=(i-1)*j10+j; if (qvebi[l] == 29) n1++ } if (n1 == j10) { for (i1=i; i1>=2; i1--) { for (j1=1; j1 <= j10; j1++) { l=(i1-1)*j10+j1; if(qvebi[l] != qvebi[l-j10]) { l1=l-1; qvebi[l]=qvebi[l-j10]; lj=l1-j10; document.all['d'+l1].style.backgroundColor=document.all['d'+lj].style.backgroundColor; } } } dav=true; xazi++ qul=qul+done*done; if ((qul >= qulebi)&&(done < 10)) { xazi=0; done++; qulebi=0; for (i=1; i<=done; i++) { qulebi=qulebi+i*i*xazidoneze; } } document.forms[0].elements[2].value=' '+done; document.forms[0].elements[0].value='Score: '+qul+'. '+nam+': '+best+'.'; } if (n1 == j10) break; } if (n1 != j10) break; } } function achveneshemdegi() { val=3*j10-1; for (i=0; i<=val; i++)document.all['p'+i].style.backgroundColor=suruch; val=shemdegi; if (val == 1) {i1s=1; j1s=5; i2s=1; j2s=6; i3s=2; j3s=5; i4s=3; j4s=5;} else if (val == 2) {i1s=1; j1s=5; i2s=1; j2s=4; i3s=2; j3s=5; i4s=3; j4s=5;} else if (val == 3) {i1s=3; j1s=6; i2s=2; j2s=6; i3s=3; j3s=7; i4s=3; j4s=5;} else if (val == 4) {i1s=2; j1s=5; i2s=2; j2s=6; i3s=1; j3s=6; i4s=3; j4s=5;} else if (val == 5) {i1s=2; j1s=5; i2s=2; j2s=4; i3s=1; j3s=4; i4s=3; j4s=5;} else if (val == 6) {i1s=2; j1s=5; i2s=2; j2s=4; i3s=2; j3s=6; i4s=2; j4s=7;} else if (val == 7) {i1s=2; j1s=5; i2s=2; j2s=6; i3s=1; j3s=6; i4s=1; j4s=5;} axalish(i1s,j1s,val); axalish(i2s,j2s,val); axalish(i3s,j3s,val); axalish(i4s,j4s,val); } function rocadroa() { if ((strt == true)&&(gacherdi == false)) { if ((i1>i19)||(i2>i19)||(i3>i19)||(i4>i19) ||(qvebi[(i1)*j10+j1] == 29)||(qvebi[(i2)*j10+j2] == 29) ||(qvebi[(i3)*j10+j3] == 29)||(qvebi[(i4)*j10+j4] == 29)) { qvebi[(i1-1)*j10+j1]=29; qvebi[(i2-1)*j10+j2]=29; qvebi[(i3-1)*j10+j3]=29; qvebi[(i4-1)*j10+j4]=29; davardna (); axaliqva(); if (strt) { ricxvi(); achveneshemdegi(); } } else { if(i1>2) { if(qvebi[(i1-2)*j10+j1] != sh)axali(i1,j1,suruch,0); if(qvebi[(i2-2)*j10+j2] != sh)axali(i2,j2,suruch,0); if(qvebi[(i3-2)*j10+j3] != sh)axali(i3,j3,suruch,0); if(qvebi[(i4-2)*j10+j4] != sh)axali(i4,j4,suruch,0); } else { axali(i1,j1,suruch,0); axali(i2,j2,suruch,0); axali(i3,j3,suruch,0); axali(i4,j4,suruch,0); } i1++; i2++; i3++; i4++; axali(i1,j1,sur,sh); axali(i2,j2,sur,sh); axali(i3,j3,sur,sh); axali(i4,j4,sur,sh); } dro = setTimeout('rocadroa()',shua); return true; } } function kiara() { vali=true; if((n1<1)||(n2<1)||(n3<1)||(n4<1))vali=false; if((n1>j10)||(n2>j10)||(n3>j10)||(n4>j10))vali=fal se; if(vali) { if((m1<1)||(m2<1)||(m3<1)||(m4<1))vali=false; if((m1>i20)||(m2>i20)||(m3>i20)||(m4>i20))vali=fal se; } if(vali) { if((qvebi[(m1-1)*j10+n1] == 29)||(qvebi[(m2-1)*j10+n2] == 29))vali=false; if((qvebi[(m3-1)*j10+n3]== 29)||(qvebi[(m4-1)*j10+n4] == 29)) vali=false; } return vali; } function zemot() { self.focus(); document.forms[0].elements[0].value=' Click Start!'; i=Math.round((i20-18)/2); document.forms[0].elements['rowsairchie'].options[i].selected=true; j=j10-9; document.forms[0].elements['columnsairchie'].options[j].selected=true; cooknam='best2001'+i20+j10+'='; coo=read(cooknam); ldd=true; sax=read('abest='); if(sax==null)sax=''; nam=''; document.forms[1].elements[0].focus(); } document.onkeydown = keyDown; function keyDown(DnEvents) { k=window.event.keyCode; if(k == 39){marjvniv()} else if(k == 37){marcxniv()} else if(k == 38){brunva()} else if(k == 40){chavardes()}; } function gachereba() { if (strt) { if (gacherdi == false) { gacherdi=true; document.forms[1].elements[1].value='^Pause '; if (dro != null)clearTimeout(dro); } else { gacherdi=false; document.forms[1].elements[1].value=' Pause '; dro=setTimeout('rocadroa()', shua); } } } function chacera(mc) { if(mc == 3){aso='p'} else {aso='d'}; document.write('<TABLE Border=0 CellPadding=0 CellSpacing=0>'); for (i=1; i<=mc; i++) { with(document) { write("<TR>"); for (j=0; j<=j9; j++) { l=(i-1)*j10+j; write("<TD align=center bgcolor="+suruch+" width=15 height=15 id='"+aso+l+"'></TD>") } write("</TR>"); } } document.write('</TABLE>'); } if(!document.all){alert('Sorry, this script works properly only in MS Internet Explorer'); close();} function hlp() { alert(tx); } function abo() { alert(txabo); } //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <!-- STEP TWO: Insert the onLoad event handler into your BODY tag --> <BODY onLoad="zemot()"> <!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! ( --> <CENTER> <TABLE CellPadding=6 CellSpacing=0 border=5 bgcolor=gray> <TR> <TD Align=center valign=top> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> chacera (3); </SCRIPT> <FORM> <TABLE border=0 width='100%'> <TR> <TD align=center colspan=2> <INPUT TYPE='text' SIZE=29 VALUE='Please wait while loading!'> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <INPUT TYPE='text' SIZE=14 VALUE='Level'> </TD> <TD align=right> <INPUT TYPE='text' SIZE=8 VALUE=''> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <INPUT TYPE='text' SIZE=14 VALUE='Starting Level'> </TD> <TD align=right> <SELECT NAME = 'doneairchie' style="color: black; font: 10pt verdana; width:75; background:white" onmouseOver="javascript:'gray'" onmouseOut="javascript:'black'"> <OPTION>1 <OPTION>2 <OPTION SELECTED>3 <OPTION>4 <OPTION>5 <OPTION>6 <OPTION>7 <OPTION>8 <OPTION>9 <OPTION>10 </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <INPUT TYPE='text' SIZE=14 VALUE='Rows'> </TD> <TD align=right> <SELECT NAME = 'rowsairchie' style="color: black; font: 10pt verdana; width:75; background:white" onchange='rowsclick()' onmouseOver="javascript:'gray'" onmouseOut="javascript:'black'"> <OPTION>18 <OPTION>20 <OPTION SELECTED>22 <OPTION>24 </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <INPUT TYPE='text' SIZE=14 VALUE='Columns'> </TD> <TD align=right> <SELECT NAME = 'columnsairchie' style="color: black; font: 10pt verdana; width:75; background:white" onchange='columnsclick()' onmouseOver="javascript:'gray'" onmouseOut="javascript:'black'"> <OPTION>9 <OPTION>10 <OPTION SELECTED>11 <OPTION>12 </SELECT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <FORM> <TABLE Border=0 width='100%'> <TR> <TD> <Input Type='Button' Value=' Start ' onClick='daicke()' style="color: black; font: 10pt verdana; width:75; background:white" onmouseOver="javascript:'gray'" onmouseOut="javascript:'black'"> </TD> <TD Align='Right'> <INPUT type='button' VALUE=' Pause ' ONCLICK='gachereba()' style="color: black; font: 10pt verdana; width:75; background:white" onmouseOver="javascript:'gray'" onmouseOut="javascript:'black'"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <INPUT type='button' VALUE='Help' ONCLICK='hlp()' style="color: black; font: 10pt verdana; width:75; background:white" onmouseOver="javascript:'gray'" onmouseOut="javascript:'black'"> </TD> <TD Align='Right'> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> </TD> <TD align=center> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> chacera (i20); </SCRIPT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER>